How Good Is To Take TestkingPDF Oracle 1z0-1085-24 Practice Test Material?

How Good Is To Take TestkingPDF Oracle 1z0-1085-24 Practice Test Material?

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Oracle 1z0-1085-24 Exam Syllabus Topics:

Topic 1
  • Core OCI Services: This section covers the functionalities of OCI Compute services. Describe the various OCI Networking services. Provide an overview of OCI Database services. Detail the OCI Storage services.
Topic 2
  • Getting Started with OCI: In this section, the focus is on the fundamental features and elements of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI). Discuss the structure and importance of OCI Regions and Availability Domains.
Topic 3
  • Security and Compliance: In this section, the focus is on the OCI Shared Security Model. It covers the different OCI Security services. Explains the services related to OCI Identity and Access Management.
Topic 4
  • Governance and Administration: In this section, the focus is on the OCI Pricing structure. It also covers the tools provided for OCI Cost Management.

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Oracle 1z0-1085-24 Learning Materials | New 1z0-1085-24 Test Duration

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Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2024 Foundations Associate Sample Questions (Q16-Q21):

What is the primary purpose of fault domains in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure?

  • A. To handle encryption of traffic between instances
  • B. To distribute instances across different physical hardware within an availability domain
  • C. To ensure all instances are on the same physical hardware
  • D. To connect availability domains with low latency

Answer: B

Fault domains in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure are used to distribute instances across different physical hardware within an availability domain. This helps in ensuring high availability and fault tolerance by reducing the impact of hardware failures on instances.

Which type of load balancing policy is supported by Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Load Balancer?

  • A. Weighted Round Robin
  • B. Weighted Least Connection
  • C. Random
  • D. Round Robin

Answer: A

Weighted Round Robin is a load balancing policy that distributes traffic based on weights assigned to backend servers. It provides more control over traffic distribution, allowing higher-weighted servers to receive more requests.

How are compartment quotas applied in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure?

  • A. On a per-region basis
  • B. On a per-compartment basis
  • C. Globally, across all compartments
  • D. On a per-tenancy basis

Answer: B

Compartment quotas are applied on a per-compartment basis in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. Each compartment has its own set of quota limits for resources and services that are enforced within that compartment.

Which feature of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage Service enables users to automatically move objects between storage tiers based on predefined rules?

  • A. Object Versioning
  • B. Object Lifecycle Management
  • C. Pre-Authenticated Requests
  • D. Cross-Region Replication

Answer: B

Object Lifecycle Management in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage Service enables users to define rules to automatically move objects between different storage tiers based on predefined criteria such as age, size, or custom metadata. This feature helps optimize storage costs by ensuring that objects are stored in the most cost-effective tier.

In Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage Service, which storage tier is designed for rarely accessed data that can be restored within hours?

  • A. Archive Storage
  • B. Intelligent Tiering
  • C. Standard Storage
  • D. One Zone-Infrequent Access

Answer: A


In the past few years, our 1z0-1085-24 study materials have helped countless candidates pass the 1z0-1085-24 exam. After having a related certification, some of them encountered better opportunities for development, some went to great companies, and some became professionals in the field. 1z0-1085-24 Study Materials have stood the test of time and market and received countless praises. Through the good reputation of word of mouth, more and more people choose to use 1z0-1085-24 study torrent to prepare for the 1z0-1085-24 exam, which makes us very gratified.

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